Thursday, February 21, 2013

Tips on Reducing English Chinese Translation Costs

When talking about English Chinese translation projects, most people would agree high-quality translations at competitive prices are the paramount objective. Hence, the problem comes as how can you lower your English Chinese translation costs yet not lower the quality. These are several tips shared by Top Chinese Translator for your information on lowering translation costs:

Price comparison when choosing English Chinese translation agency
Before settling on an English Chinese translation agency, it is better for you to shop around so as to make a price comparison. With this comparison, you have more options and you can also know how to bargain with your translation partner since you are familiar with the whole translation market.

With your research on the average English Chinese translation costs, you will then find that some translation companies that offer the so-called bargain prices are sometimes very likely to offer a lower-quality service. They will probably to assign less professional English Chinese translators for your translation projects. As a result, you may spend more if you want to get the badly translated documents fixed.

We all know that freelance English Chinese translators are much cheaper than translation agencies. But the problem is not all projects can be handled by freelancers. Therefore, if your English Chinese translation project is relatively small-scaled, you can then choose freelance English Chinese translators rather than translation agencies for the reason of lowering English Chinese translation costs. But if you are looking for a long-term English Chinese translation partner, then professional agencies like Top Chinese Translator are definitely better choice.

Reducing quantity not quality of the English-Chinese translation project
Another way for you to reduce the English Chinese translation costs is reduce the quantity – instead of quality - of your original file. Start with the end in mind. Take translation into consideration when you are writing the original content. Keep your content as concise as possible. Eliminate unnecessary words and keep sentences short, but always ensure that the message is correctly conveyed. Avoid idiomatic phrases that have no meaning in the target culture or language.

Take a second check on the file before sending it to your English Chinese translation partner and see whether there are any parts can be left out or condensed. For example, if the original file is an instruction manual, some of the texts may be replaced by diagrams and illustrations with fewer words to be translated.

Using translation memories for the English Chinese translation projects
With the use of a Translation Memory, the English Chinese translators can start working on the project before it has been officially approved at your company. The translation memory, or TM, can store segments, such as sentences, paragraphs or sentence-like units that have previously been translated. On the one hand, it can aid human English Chinese translators. On the other hand, a TM can considerably reduce the delivery time and costs, since you can ask the translators to begin the work even if the original document is still in draft stage. That way, the English Chinese translators can do the translation work in a less demanding pace. The translation costs are accordingly reduced.

In addition, budget for your English Chinese translation in advance, so that you can avoid surcharges for rush turnaround timing. Most English Chinese translation agencies would offer a discount for larger projects, so you can combine several small projects into a larger one to get the discount. Anyway, try your best to avoid extra charges.

So those are all the tips Top Chinese Translator shared for reducing your English Chinese translation costs. If you want to discuss more on this, or you are looking for a English Chinese translation agency at a competitive price, please feel free to contact us at

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

English Chinese translation case study: Chunyun

The Chinese Lunar New Year / Spring Festival is drawing near, most Chinese people are heading back home during this traditional Chunyun period. To most English Chinese translation pros, ‘Chunyun’ may not be a great translation for the peak transport during the Spring Festival travel season. But to anyone who are interested in the Chinese culture or the Chinese society, ‘Chunyun’ is a great point to get started. The following paragraph is an introduction of the Chinese ‘Chunyun’ with English Chinese translation shared by Top Chinese Translator.

Chunyun is a period of travel in China with extremely high traffic load around the time of the Chinese New Year. The period usually begins 15 days before the Lunar New Year’s Day and lasts for around 40 days. The number of passenger journeys during the Chunyun period has exceeded the population of China, hitting over 2.5 billion even in 2010. It has been called the largest annual human migration in the world. Rail transport experiences the biggest challenge during the period, and myriad social problems emerged.

As is known to all English Chinese translators, glossary is always an important part in English Chinese translation. Translators have to define the translation of glossary so as to keep consistency in the whole translation. Thus Top Chinese Translator would like to share some other English Chinese translation resources regarding the Chinese Chunyun period, say, some high frequency words and phrases:
local train慢车
direct train直快
special express特快
bullet train动车
high-speed rail 高铁
hard seat 硬座
soft seat 软座
cushioned berth 软卧
semi-cushioned berth 硬卧
upper berth/ sleeper
middle berth / sleeper 中铺
lower berth /sleeper 下铺
car attendant/train attendant
dispatcher 调度员
volume of passenger transport 客运量
peak time for passenger transport 客流高峰期
operate/arrange extra trains 加开列车
24-hour ticket sales windows 24小时售票窗口
group ticket-booking 集体预定火车票
regulate ticket sale 规范售票
crack down on scalpers 打击票贩子

Offering high-quality and professional English Chinese translation services has been the prime goal since the founding day of Top Chinese Translator. We are open for all correction and suggestions. In case you need any English Chinese translation services or want to discuss more on translation, please do not hesitate to contact us.