Monday, March 11, 2013

A Guide to Manage the Timing of Your English Chinese Translation Projects

How to Manage the Timing of Your English Chinese Translation Projects
A Guide to Manage the Timing of Your English Chinese Translation Projects

To both the English Chinese translators and the clients who are in need, the turnaround time is a key element when speaking of English Chinese translation projects. Properly managing the timing of your English Chinese translation projects can save your costs as well as ensuring a high quality of the translated text. If you do not clarify the timing with your translator partner, then your translation projects is highly possible to be put off or delayed. On the contrary, if you are the English Chinese translators, it is better for you to show your client a translation schedule so as to avoid complaint. So here are some tips on managing the time of your English Chinese translation projects shared by Top Chinese Translator based on our years’ of experience.

The turnaround time of English Chinese translation projects depend on many factors. For example, the English Chinese translators’ level of experience can highly affect the needed translation time. And the speed of English Chinese translation can be influenced by the carefulness of the translators’ work. By the way, at Top Chinese Translator, the quality is definitely the premier principle. But at the meantime, our turnaround time is never longer than the average time needed. In addition, the difficulty of the original texts and the amount of research involved are also the key elements which determine the final turnaround time of your English Chinese translation projects. Besides, if your Chinese translation partner is dealing with other translation projects at the same time, then more time is probably needed than normally do.

Although it is always better for a quicker turnaround time, you should be very cautious about those English Chinese translators who claim to be able to translate a large amount of works in a relatively short time. Even though the English Chinese translators at Top Chinese Translator are very experienced, and we are quite efficient on various English Chinese translation projects, we do not boast on turnaround time, since we do not want to take shortcuts and sacrifice the quality. After all, translation requires thought, research and time.

If you are really in rush need, then a great way to speed up the translation timing is to assign the English Chinese translation projects to multiple English Chinese translators and having them working simultaneously. The only problem is this may not be a good solution for translations where style is important. As we know, different Chinese translators can be very different in their translating style, which can accordingly cause inconsistency in the translated texts. Despite that some translation agencies may take longer time to work on your English Chinese translation projects than freelance translators due to the extra time for project management, editing and quality assurance, they often offer express translation services based on extra rush fees. And you do not have to worry about inconsistency in style since experienced English Chinese translators at the same agency are usually trained. Besides, another proof reader or editor is usually assigned for the final integration of all the translated parts.

Anyway, it is always a good idea to clarify your need and expected timing with your English Chinese translators before finally assigning the English Chinese projects to them. If they are offering a too good turnaround time to be true, then you’d better investigate further. Do the research with multiple English Chinese translation agencies to get an average turnaround time. If needed, please feel free to contact Top Chinese Translator for free consultation.

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